Grades 5th-12th
Meets once a semester on Friday Night.
Grades 5th-12th
Meets twice a semester, Friday nights.
BoldYTH’s unique service for all students 5th grade to 12th is called BOLD NIGHT! At Bold Night, students will get to participate in a night full of fun activities, powerful worship, and an impacting Word! Bold Nights happen during the school semester, so stay tuned for dates.
If your student attends a campus other than the South and needs a ride, we will have a bus stop at each campus for them. We cannot wait to see our students there!
Jump on a bus from a Bethany Campus. For every Bold Night, there is bus transportation from every Bethany campus to shuttle students to the South Campus. Below is the schedule for all campus bus stops:
Glen Oaks High School
6650 Cedar Grove Dr,
Baton Rouge, LA 70812
Istrouma High School
3730 Winbourne Ave,
Baton Rouge, LA 70805