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Filled to Witness

Squad Nights Fall 2024
Sep 25, 2024

Small Group Objective

Facilitate a conversation around how we need the Holy Spirit in us before we go out and evangelize and how we can’t effectively win souls without Him guiding us and directing our steps.


Today, let’s dive into the amazing role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, especially when it comes to sharing our faith with others. The Holy Spirit isn’t just some abstract idea; He’s the living presence of God with us, guiding and empowering us every step of the way. There is no Junior Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that is in me, your leaders, your pastors is the SAME one that is in you.

Think about it: when we feel that nudge to reach out to a friend or share our story, that’s the Holy Spirit at work! He gives us the right words to say, fills us with boldness, and helps us connect with others in meaningful ways. Without His guidance, our attempts at evangelizing can fall flat—it’s like trying to start a fire without any matches.

But when we rely on the Holy Spirit, evangelism becomes an exciting adventure. It’s not just about talking; it’s about sharing the love of Christ in a way that resonates with those around us. So, let’s remember that as we step out to share our faith, we’re not alone. The Holy Spirit is right there with us, leading the way and making our voices heard in a world that needs His light. Let’s embrace His power and go out to make a difference!

Key Verses

Acts 1:4-8

4 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with[a] water, but in a few days you will be baptized with[b] the Holy Spirit.” 6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the time or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Key Points

1. Receive the Holy Spirit

  • Before we can be sent out to evangelize and share the good news with others, we need the Holy Spirit with us. IN us. The Bible tells us to ask for the Holy Spirit with faith. Pray specifically, asking God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Believe that He wants to give this gift to you because He does!
  • The Holy Spirit is a gift from God, given to us as believers to dwell within us and guide our lives.
  • Recognizing that the Holy Spirit is always with us helps us cultivate a deeper relationship with Him and opens our hearts to His influence. It also helps us to be confident and bold in our evangelism and going after the lost. 

2. Respond to the Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit needs to be the one guiding us, We can’t effectively be sent out without Him GUIDING our steps, our ways, our words. When we rely on Him and listen to His voice, there is no fear because we ultimately know that He is with us and is guiding us on where to go and who to share the Good News with.
  • He wants to direct your steps (Romans 8:14)
  • He wants to direct your words (Luke 12:11-12)
  • Your Ministry Empowered (Mark 16:17-18)
  • GO! 


  1. Why is it important to respond to the Holy Spirit?
  2. When was the last time you listened to the Holy Spirit when He told you to go and share the gospel with someone else?
    1. Can you share that experience?
    2. What about that experience would you continue to do and or not do?
  3. Do you know how to effectively share the gospel?
  4. In what ways can we be intentional about sharing the Gospel with others?

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