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boldyth Reading Plan


January 13, 2024

Section 1 of 4

Numbers 33

About 4.6 Minutes

These are the stages of the journeys of the Israelites, by which they came out of the land of Egypt by their [tribal] armies, under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Moses recorded their points of departure, as the Lord commanded, stage by stage; and these are their journeys according to their points of departure: They set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the day after the Passover the Israelites moved out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians, while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn whom the Lord had struck down among them. Upon their gods the Lord also executed judgments.

Then the Israelites moved out from Rameses [where they had all joined together], and camped in Succoth. They moved out from Succoth and camped in Etham, which is on the edge of the wilderness. They moved out from Etham and turned back to Pi-hahiroth, east of Baal-zephon, and they camped before Migdol. They moved out from before Pi-hahiroth and passed through the midst of the [Red] Sea into the wilderness; and they went a three days’ journey in the Wilderness of Etham and camped at Marah. They moved out from Marah and came to Elim; in Elim there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there. 10 They moved out from Elim and camped by the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds). 11 They moved out from the Red Sea and camped in the Wilderness of Sin. 12 They moved out from the Wilderness of Sin and camped at Dophkah. 13 They moved out from Dophkah and camped at Alush. 14 They moved out from Alush and camped at Rephidim; now it was there that the people had no water to drink. 15 They moved out from Rephidim and camped in the Wilderness of Sinai [where they remained for about a year]. 16 They moved out from the Wilderness of Sinai and camped at Kibroth-hattaavah.

17 They moved out from Kibroth-hattaavah and camped at Hazeroth. 18 They moved out from Hazeroth and camped at Rithmah [near Kadesh, the place from which the twelve spies were sent to spy out the land of Canaan]. 19 They moved out from Rithmah and camped at Rimmon-perez. 20 They moved out from Rimmon-perez and camped at Libnah. 21 They moved out from Libnah and camped at Rissah. 22 They moved out from Rissah and camped at Kehelathah. 23 They moved out from Kehelathah and camped at Mount Shepher. 24 They moved out from Mount Shepher and camped at Haradah. 25 They moved out from Haradah and camped at Makheloth. 26 They moved out from Makheloth and camped at Tahath. 27 They moved out from Tahath and camped at Terah. 28 They moved out from Terah and camped at Mithkah. 29 They moved out from Mithkah and camped at Hashmonah. 30 They moved out from Hashmonah and camped at Moseroth. 31 They moved out from Moseroth and camped at Bene-jaakan. 32 They moved out from Bene-jaakan and camped at Hor-haggidgad. 33 They moved out from Hor-haggidgad and camped at Jotbathah. 34 They moved out from Jotbathah and camped at Abronah. 35 They moved out from Abronah and camped at Ezion-geber [or Elath on the gulf of Aqabah]. 36 They moved out from Ezion-geber and camped in the Wilderness of Zin, which is Kadesh. 37 They moved out from Kadesh and camped at Mount Hor, on the edge of the land of Edom.

38 Aaron the priest went up on Mount Hor at the command of the Lord, and died there in the fortieth year after the Israelites came out of the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month. 39 Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor.

40 The Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev (the South country) in the land of Canaan, heard that the sons of Israel were coming.

41 They moved out from Mount Hor and camped at Zalmonah. 42 Then they moved out from Zalmonah and camped at Punon. 43 They moved out from Punon and camped at Oboth. 44 They moved out from Oboth and camped at Iye-abarim, on the border of Moab. 45 They moved out from Iyim (Iye-abarim) and camped at Dibon-gad. 46 They moved out from Dibon-gad and camped at Almon-diblathaim. 47 They moved out from Almon-diblathaim and camped in the mountains of Abarim, before [Mount] Nebo. 48 They moved out from the mountains of Abarim and camped in the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho [their last stop on the journey to Canaan]. 49 They camped by the Jordan from Beth-jeshimoth as far as Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab.

50 Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho, saying, 51 “Say to the children of Israel, ‘When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, 52 then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you and destroy all their sculpted images, and destroy all their cast idols and completely eliminate all their [idolatrous] high places, 53 and you shall take possession of the land and live in it, for I have given the land to you to possess. 54 You shall inherit the land by lot according to your families; to the large tribe you shall give a larger inheritance, and to the small tribe you shall give a smaller inheritance. Wherever the lot falls to any man, that shall be [the location of] his [inheritance]. According to the tribes of your fathers (ancestors) you shall inherit. 55 But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those you let remain of them will be like pricks in your eyes and like thorns in your sides, and they will attack you in the land in which you live. 56 And as I [the Lord] planned to do to them, so I will do to you.’”

Section 2 of 4

Psalms 78:1-37

About 5 Minutes

Listen, O my people, to my teaching;
Incline your ears to the words of my mouth [and be willing to learn].

I will open my mouth in a parable [to instruct using examples];
I will utter dark and puzzling sayings of old [that contain important truth]—

Which we have heard and known,
And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,
But [we will] tell to the generation to come the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
And [tell of] His great might and power and the wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony (a specific precept) in Jacob
And appointed a law in Israel,
Which He commanded our fathers
That they should teach to their children [the great facts of God’s transactions with Israel],

That the generation to come might know them, that the children still to be born
May arise and recount them to their children,

That they should place their confidence in God
And not forget the works of God,
But keep His commandments,

And not be like their fathers—
A stubborn and rebellious generation,
A generation that did not prepare its heart to know and follow God,
And whose spirit was not faithful to God.

The sons of Ephraim were armed as archers and carrying bows,
Yet they turned back in the day of battle.
They did not keep the covenant of God
And refused to walk according to His law;
And they forgot His [incredible] works
And His miraculous wonders that He had shown them.
He did marvelous things in the sight of their fathers
In the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan [where Pharaoh resided].
He divided the [Red] Sea and allowed them to pass through it,
And He made the waters stand up like [water behind] a dam.
In the daytime He led them with a cloud
And all the night with a light of fire.
He split rocks in the wilderness
And gave them abundant [water to] drink like the ocean depths.
He brought streams also from the rock [at Rephidim and Kadesh]
And caused waters to run down like rivers.

Yet they still continued to sin against Him
By rebelling against the Most High in the desert.
And in their hearts they put God to the test
By asking for food according to their [selfish] appetite.
Then they spoke against God;
They said, “Can God prepare [food for] a table in the wilderness?
“Behold, He struck the rock so that waters gushed out
And the streams overflowed;
Can He give bread also?
Or will He provide meat for His people?”

Therefore, when the Lord heard, He was full of wrath;
A fire was kindled against Jacob,
And His anger mounted up against Israel,
Because they did not believe in God [they did not rely on Him, they did not adhere to Him],
And they did not trust in His salvation (His power to save).
Yet He commanded the clouds from above
And opened the doors of heaven;
And He rained down manna upon them to eat
And gave them the grain of heaven.
Man ate the bread of angels;
God sent them provision in abundance.
He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens
And by His [unlimited] power He guided the south wind.
He rained meat upon them like the dust,
And winged birds (quail) like the sand of the seas.
And He let them fall in the midst of their camp,
Around their tents.
So they ate and were well filled,
He gave them what they craved.
Before they had satisfied their desire,
And while their food was in their mouths,
The wrath of God rose against them
And killed some of the strongest of them,
And subdued the choice young men of Israel.
In spite of all this they still sinned,
For they did not believe in His wonderful and extraordinary works.
Therefore He consumed their days like a breath [in emptiness and futility]
And their years in sudden terror.

When He killed [some of] them, then those remaining sought Him,
And they returned [to Him] and searched diligently for God [for a time].
And they remembered that God was their rock,
And the Most High God their Redeemer.
Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouths
And lied to Him with their tongues.
For their heart was not steadfast toward Him,
Nor were they faithful to His covenant.

Section 3 of 4

Isaiah 25

About 2.4 Minutes

O Lord, You are my God;
I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name;
For You have done miraculous things,
Plans formed long, long ago, [fulfilled] with perfect faithfulness.

For You have made a city into a heap [of trash],
A fortified city into a ruin;
A palace of foreigners is no longer a city,
It will never be rebuilt.

Therefore a strong people will honor You;
Cities of terrible and violent nations will fear You.

For You have been a stronghold for the helpless,
A stronghold for the poor in his distress,
A shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat;
For the breath of tyrants
Is like a rainstorm against a wall.

Like heat in a dry land, You will subdue the noise of foreigners [rejoicing over their enemies];
Like heat in the shadow of a cloud, the song of the tyrants is silenced.

On this mountain [Zion] the Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples [to welcome His reign on earth],
A banquet of aged wines—choice pieces [flavored] with marrow,
Of refined, aged wines.

And on this mountain He will destroy the covering that is [cast] over all peoples,
And the veil [of death] that is woven and spread over all the nations.

He will swallow up death [and abolish it] for all time.
And the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,
And He will take away the disgrace of His people from all the earth;
For the Lord has spoken.

It will be said in that day,
“Indeed, this is our God for whom we have waited that He would save us.
This is the Lord for whom we have waited;
Let us shout for joy and rejoice in His salvation.”
For the hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain [Zion],
And Moab will be trampled down in his place
As straw is trampled down in the [filthy] water of a manure pile.
And Moab will spread out his hands in the middle of the filth
As a swimmer spreads out his hands to swim,
But the Lord will humiliate his pride in spite of the [skillful] movements of his hands.
The high fortifications of your walls He will bring down,
Lay low, and cast to the ground, to the dust.

Section 4 of 4

1 John 3

About 3.3 Minutes

See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, we are [even here and] now children of God, and it is not yet made clear what we will be [after His coming]. We know that when He comes and is revealed, we will [as His children] be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is [in all His glory]. And everyone who has this hope [confidently placed] in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure (holy, undefiled, guiltless).

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness [ignoring God’s law by action or neglect or by tolerating wrongdoing—being unrestrained by His commands and His will]. You know that He appeared [in visible form as a man] in order to take away sins; and in Him there is [absolutely] no sin [for He has neither the sin nature nor has He committed sin or acts worthy of blame]. No one who abides in Him [who remains united in fellowship with Him—deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin. No one who habitually sins has seen Him or known Him. Little children (believers, dear ones), do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who practices righteousness [the one who strives to live a consistently honorable life—in private as well as in public—and to conform to God’s precepts] is righteous, just as He is righteous. The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil [and takes his inner character and moral values from him, not God]; for the devil has sinned and violated God’s law from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him. 10 By this the children of God and the children of the devil are clearly identified: anyone who does not practice righteousness [who does not seek God’s will in thought, action, and purpose] is not of God, nor is the one who does not [unselfishly] love his [believing] brother.

11 For this is the message which you [believers] have heard from the beginning [of your relationship with Christ], that we should [unselfishly] love and seek the best for one another; 12 and not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother [Abel]. And why did he murder him? Because Cain’s deeds were evil, and his brother’s were righteous.

13 Do not be surprised, believers, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed out of death into Life, because we love the brothers and sisters. He who does not love remains in [spiritual] death. 15 Everyone who hates (works against) his brother [in Christ] is [at heart] a murderer [by God’s standards]; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16 By this we know [and have come to understand the depth and essence of His precious] love: that He [willingly] laid down His life for us [because He loved us]. And we ought to lay down our lives for the believers. 17 But whoever has the world’s goods (adequate resources), and sees his brother in need, but has no compassion for him, how does the love of God live in him? 18 Little children (believers, dear ones), let us not love [merely in theory] with word or with tongue [giving lip service to compassion], but in action and in truth [in practice and in sincerity, because practical acts of love are more than words]. 19 By this we will know [without any doubt] that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart and quiet our conscience before Him 20 whenever our heart convicts us [in guilt]; for God is greater than our heart and He knows all things [nothing is hidden from Him because we are in His hands]. 21 Beloved, if our heart does not convict us [of guilt], we have confidence [complete assurance and boldness] before God; 22 and we receive from Him whatever we ask because we [carefully and consistently] keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight [habitually seeking to follow His plan for us].

23 This is His commandment, that we believe [with personal faith and confident trust] in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and [that we unselfishly] love and seek the best for one another, just as He commanded us. 24 The one who habitually keeps His commandments [obeying His word and following His precepts, abides and] remains in Him, and He in him. By this we know and have the proof that He [really] abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us [as a gift].

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